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Advocating on behalf of women and girls in society through education, social activism and networking 

Women Lawyers of Ventura County is a nonprofit group of legal professionals. We are dedicated to advancing the interests of women and girls in our local community and in society at large. WLVC meets once a month for lunchtime presentations and networking activities.

Our annual scholarship awards help fund the education of law students with ties to Ventura County who have demonstrated a commitment to our shared goals. We also conduct community service programs. For example, WLVC has worked with Girls, Inc., a local nonprofit organization, to provide tutoring and mentoring for girls and young women in the juvenile dependency system.

Get in touch with us to learn how you can become a member, partner with us, speak at our meetings, or otherwise support our mission. You can also use the contact form at the bottom of this page.





(805) 273-4200


About Us

Our Mission

Women Lawyers of Ventura County is a nonprofit organization composed of legal professionals and business partners who work to further the aims of women and girls in society through education, social activism and networking.

Girls Inc.

The network of local Girls Inc. nonprofit organizations serves girls ages 6-18 at more than 1,400 sites in 400 cities across the United States and Canada. Their research-based programming focuses on the development of the whole girl, supporting, mentoring, and guiding girls in an affirming, pro-girl environment. 


Each year, our annual scholarship awards support the legal education of students with ties to Ventura County who have demonstrated a commitment to the shared goal of advocating on behalf of women and girls. We welcome new law firm and business sponsors. 


No one should have to buy justice in a land that boasts that justice is free.
— Clara Shortridge Foltz, first woman admitted to the California Bar


Let's Chat.

Use the form below to contact us regarding your inquiry. You may also email or call us with questions about how to join WLVC, how to partner with WLVC on a project, when our next meeting is taking place, and other matters. 

Please know that WLVC is not a legal services organization and does not provide legal advice. Inquiries seeking legal advice will be redirected to the Ventura County Bar Association's Lawyer Referral Service.